I’m pleased to announce a brand new Away3D training workshop that will be taking place on the 27th April at the Beyond Tellerrand – Play! conference in Cologne, Germany. The conference spans 4 days from April 24th – 27th, and has a great variety of speakers talking about code, creativity and inspiration.

The workshop I’ll be giving is called Stepping into the 3rd Dimension, and will cover initial setup and creation of an interactive 3D scene using the latest Away3D 4.0 APIs and accelerated Stage3D capabilities of Flash 11. We will cover interaction, animation and the various optimisation techniques for dealing with Stage3D content, as well as some cool stuff that can be done with accompanying libraries that leverage Away3D’s rendering, such as Augmented Reality and Physics.

The entire cost of the day-long workshop is 350 euros, and full details along with registration links can be found on the Beyond Tellerrand workshops page. Hope you can make it!